
Men and Privacy

Men and PrivacyA survey says about seven million men in America have a privacy space called hubbyhole. Lately more and more men have privacy room. Just to mention few of them are celebrities Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Nicolas Cage, and George Clooney. They have what they called hubbyhole.

Mancavesite.org site is a community where men who look for privacy by building hubbyhole have entered to. It shows that more and more men are looking for privacy space by building a private area containing all the character manhood.

So what makes a man feel that they need to be "alone"? Men feel the need to pull away from the routine or the domination of the wife and children. Not that he did not like his family or work but, these men feel they need to rest physically and soulfully from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, with some quiet time, in a small room inside or outside the home.

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