
Kiwi the Super Fruit

Kiwi the Super FruitUntil today, there was no magic pill that could heal deadly diseases and at the same time make you look slimmer. But a fruit can do both, something that not only create a healthy and slimming body, but also taste good, and that is kiwi fruit.

Elisa Zied, MS, nutritionist and author of Feed Your Family Right, says kiwis are included in one of the 10 super foods (super food). Kiwi is under super food because this fruit contains disease-fighting nutrients, taste good, contain fewer calories, plus making the skin young, superb!

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, A and E. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit two times more than oranges. While the amount of vitamin E in kiwi twice more than the mango. Besides vitamins C and E, antioxidant is also found kiwi such as carotene, lutein, xanthophyll, and flavonoids.

Kiwi fruit is often identified with New Zealand. In fact, the fruit that covered by brown fur is actually from China and brought to New Zealand in early 1990s.

The success of the kiwi fruit industry in New Zealand could not be separated from Isabel Fraser, a teacher who brought home the seeds of the kiwi after visiting relatives in China. Kiwi seeds were then given to Allison's family, who was in the field of horticulture. Since then the farming of kiwi fruit in New Zealand begins.

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