
Cameron Diaz Fitness Secret

Cameron Diaz Fitness SecretIn a recent interview cited by Digital Spy, the actress admits that she does have an ace up her sleeve when it comes to staying in shape. And it’s quite unbeatable: she can’t put on any weight, even if she tries to.

As Diaz puts it, she’s been blessed with an excellent metabolism that actually has her eating more when she’s putting more strain on her body, like when she’s on the set of a movie, for instance.

“When I’m filming, I have to eat a lot more. I’m constantly eating because I’m burning so much energy doing what we’re doing,” Cameron says.

“Even if we’re just sitting around on the set of a movie, we’re talking about the next scene and burning energy,” the actress adds. Consequently, she has to compensate by eating more.

Of course, eating more doesn’t mean that she’s no longer keeping an eye on what she’s eating, she stresses. Quite on the contrary, actually, she remains mindful, perhaps even more so than before.

“However, I try to have the right kinds of food which I can eat throughout the day. I have a really good metabolism but sometimes I want to put weight on and I can’t. That’s my burden,” Cameron explains.

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