
Bored to Death is Real, Study Shows!

It may be too much to say that get bored speed up the process you leaving this world! But unfortunately it really happened and researchers have proved it. According to those researchers, someone who hit by the boredom will finally go sooner by getting heart disease and or stroke.

Based on the results of a study conducted by researchers from University College London, people who often complain bored have died from the risk of heart disease and strokes two times greater than people who rarely feel bored.

More than 7000 participants with age range from 35 to 55 years were included in this study. The participants are then monitored during their 25-year life.

The results showed that participants often feel tired during his lifetime, known to 40 percent more who died at the end of the study. Meanwhile, participants who rarely feel bored or can overcome boredom still survive until the study ended.

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