
Long Ring Finger May Mean A Prostate Cancer Risk

Long Ring FingerMen with a long ring finger could be three times more likely to develop prostate cancer, research shows. Doctors found that the risk increases if the ring finger on the right hand is significantly longer than the index finger next to the thumb.

But men whose ring fingers are only slightly longer, or are about the same length, are much less likely to get the disease. The findings open up the possibility of screening men with longer fingers at an early age for signs of cancer.

In the study, blood tests showed that men with longer ring fingers on their right hand had higher levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA).

This chemical is sometimes found in high levels in blood when cancer is present. The right hand was studied because the difference between the length of its ring finger and index finger is often greater than on the left, as it is more sensitive to hormonal changes in the womb.

The results are the latest in a long line of studies linking finger length to men's health, most of which highlight the benefits of a long ring finger.

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